Stories of Strong Moms 2023

After the coup in Burma, many people had to flee -from towns and cities but also in rural areas where the Myanmar army launched air and land attacks. Among those displaced were pregnant women - many of whom had nothing to aid their deliveries. Early displacement photos showed a newborn baby in the jungle, wrapped up with the father’s old piece of longyi. One pregnant woman delivered a baby on the bank of the Salween River, unable to enter Thailand. Unfortunately, she died after the birth of complications. Another woman forced to flee had a miscarriage due to the circumstances. She was brought to Thailand but did not receive treatment soon enough and tragically died. These deaths were easily preventable.  

The problem is that pregnant women are being forcibly displaced from their homes in Burma. Without proper shelter, supplies, and medical understanding, many women and infants face significant health issues, if not death. The maternity bag project aims to help people in hiding and constantly on the run.  


The maternity bags will encourage pregnant women to seek advice from health professionals and receive necessary health information for both the baby and the mother. Above all, the Bright Star team would like to share love and care to newly born babies and hope for their parents, especially during this struggle and suffering in Burma. The bags contain food, baby clothes, sanitary items for the mother and baby, a solar flashlight, a mosquito net, vitamins, and other essential items.


At THR5VE, our chief aim is to practically demonstrate that all people are worthy of being loved. Our vision is to see communities thriving, enriched by their unique culture and environment, and contributing to the betterment of their neighbors. We facilitate peace-building activities with our local partners in creative and sustainable ways.

This Mother’s Day, we have a fundraising goal of $15,000. All donations collected during this fundraiser will go toward our maternity bag project.

Here's where you can make a difference. We need your help spreading awareness for our campaign and inviting your friends and family to help raise funds on behalf of a mother who embodies strength and resilience to you. We need 30 people to raise $500 to reach our goal of sending bags to 254 families. We know that with your help, we can do it. 

There are two things you can do to help right now:

1. Share our campaign on social media.
Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram -- whatever you use to post, like, or comment, let your followers know about this campaign and why it matters to you.

2. Create your own peer-to-peer fundraising campaign.
You can get others to join your team. If you raise $500, you will provide over 8 bags to families this year! To start an account, click here:


My Journey to Ethical Storytelling