Maternity Bag Project Budget

Our small ‘Maternity Bags’ team appreciates your help and support to honor and respect all mothers. It has already been a year since we started this project. Almost 500 maternity bags were delivered to Karen and Karenni internally displaced people. As we know, Myanmar’s government is still unstable, and there are still military attacks in some areas of the country, which are miserable for the victims. Furthermore, displaced areas, border areas, and jungle areas of ethnic people, including Karen and Karenni people, are risking their lives every moment from airstrikes, bombs, and shots from the Myanmar military. They are still hiding in the jungle and making temporary shelter in the wilderness. Among those hiding people, some pregnant women give birth without proper supplies to welcome their newborn babies. That is why the Maternity Bags Project Team is still working on the project to provide for the needs of pregnant women hiding in the jungle. Until the country's situation gets any better, the Maternity Bags Project wishes to continue the project to provide maternity bags for pregnant women in need.

Therefore, we hope to work on the 5th Maternity Bag Project, and so far, we have received some pregnant women list who are in hiding and temporary camps. We will provide 100 bags for Karen and Karenni displaced pregnant women.

  1. Budget estimate 100 bags * 2000 baht per bag = 200,000 baht

  2. So far, we have received 74,000 baht from a private donation. Therefore we will need 136,000 baht.

  3. Duration: Oct 2022 – January 2023

  4. Items in the Bag are: bag, mosquito and twine, blanket, sarong, 4 baby wraps, baby towel, one set of baby clothing, 3 pants (for mother), two sets of re-usable pads for mum, 3 soap (adult, baby, and laundry), turmeric, salt, pepper, multi-vitamin, torch (solar), mask (re-usable), booklet/feedback in Burmese and Karen, yellow bean, tuna tin, cotton wool, spoons, clothes for mother, and soft toys, traditional medicine, baby changing sheet, and 2 bed sheets (for mother).

  5. We will provide a report and photos after the project.

  6. The purpose is to deliver 30 bags to Karenni and 70 to Karen displaced pregnant women.


My Journey to Ethical Storytelling


Bright star maternity bag Project